Are you struggling with anxiety and stress?
Are you constantly worrying about things that could go wrong? Or what other people are thinking about you? Are you unable to quiet and ease your mind? Does it feel like your anxiety is out of control?
If so, then online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy may be just what you need. CBT is the #1 treatment of choice for ALL anxiety disorders. It is active, directive, and will teach you the skills that you need to start feeling better.

Online Therapy for Anxiety and Stress can help.
Have you been thinking about starting therapy, but your schedule is so busy that it feels too overwhelming? CBT online offers online therapy via secure, confidential, videoconferencing with a CBT expert in the field.
All of our therapists are specialists in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and are committed to only providing cutting edge, scientifically proven, high-quality treatments to help you create long lasting behavioral change. Call now and start improving your life.

Our therapists specialize in:
Anger management
Intimacy and sexuality
Non-violent communication
Sex Therapy
Overcoming perfectionism
Career Assessment
Motivational techniques
Schema Therapy
Anxiety Disorders
Depression and mood disorders
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Compassion-focused Therapy
Career Assessment
Life transitions
Behavioral Interventions