The Curriculum
Lesson 1: The Importance of Relationships
Opening statements about the importance of relationships and the role of schemas.
Lesson 2: Theoretical Framework of ACT
Review the theoretical framework of ACT, including Relational Frame Theory and Functional Contextualism.
Lesson 3: SchemACT Formulation
Learn how to conceptualize clients using a SchemACT formulation, and see a discussion of primary pain, secondary pain, and Experiential Avoidance.
Lesson 4: Understanding Schemas
Understand why integrating schemas with ACT is crucial when treating interpersonal problems.
Lesson 5: Steps of Treatment
Review an in-depth description of each step of treatment and intervention process.
Lesson 6: Identifying Schemas
This is a step-by-step guide for identifying schemas and understanding each of the key interpersonal schemas.
Lesson 7: Identifying Schema Avoidance Behaviors
Helping clients identify the Experiential Avoidance strategies they use when triggered in relationships.
Lesson 8: Providing the Formulation
Sharing the formulation and getting a “buy-in” for treatment. Providing your case conceptualization with clients and using the process of creative hopelessness to obtain consent for treatment.
Lesson 9: Clarifying Values
Demonstrations of exercises, metaphors, and ACT techniques for clarifying values.
Lesson 10: Committed Action
Learn to identify specific values-based actions to replace old Schema Avoidance Behaviors.
Lesson 11: Identifying Barriers to Values
We will identify the schema-driven thoughts, feelings, sensations, and urges that act as barriers to values-based actions.
Lesson 12: Overcoming Barriers
Use the six ACT processes to overcome barriers to values-based actions.
Lesson 13: Overcoming Barriers with Defusion
Practice defusion techniques, exercises, and metaphors to work with schema-driven thoughts that act as barriers to values.
Lesson 14: Overcoming Barriers with Self As Context
Utilizing Self As Context to cultivate flexible perspective-taking.
Lesson 15: Overcoming Barriers with Present Moment Acceptance
Working with emotions that show up as barriers to values-based actions. Using mindfulness, self-compassion, present moment contact, acceptance, and somatic experiencing to embrace difficult schema-driven feelings.
Lesson 16: Overcoming barriers with Emotion Exposure
See how using emotion exposure increases willingness to stay in contact with difficult internal experiences.