Do you often feel spun up and unable to relax?

Are you constantly worrying about the future, or ruminating about past regrets or mistakes? Do you have difficulty calming your mind? Do you worry about making it through the day or getting daily tasks accomplished? If so, you may be experiencing symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.

Treatments for Anxiety Attacks

Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include chronic stress, worry, and rumination. If you experience generalized anxiety, it’s likely that you worry excessively, ruminate about past events, and are preoccupied with possible future outcomes. You have difficulty tolerating uncertainty.

You may worry about how others perceive you or about your health, or you may constantly think about possible catastrophes such as losing your job, your loved ones being harmed, or making the wrong decision. You might be worried about just getting through the day and completing daily tasks. Generalized anxiety results in difficulty relaxing, sleeping, and quieting the mind. Our online CBT for anxiety can help tackle all of these feelings.

What are the signs of anxiety?

  • Difficulty carrying out daily activities

  • Intrusive thoughts and difficulty controlling worry

  • Excessive worry and preoccupation with daily problems

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Physical complaints including headache, muscle tension, excessive sweating, nausea, trembling, and fatigue

  • Chronic feeling of impending doom

  • Irritability and tension

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Anger

  • Perfectionism

How online CBT for anxiety can help you:

  • Identify the difference between problem solving and ruminating

  • Decrease rumination and chronic worry

  • Learn stress management techniques

  • Cultivate mindfulness and self-compassion

  • Develop effective coping strategies for managing anxiety

  • Learn tools for accomplishing daily tasks

  • Acquire skills to improve sleep

  • Practice assertiveness skills

  • Identify how to take appropriate action in circumstances that are within your control and how to effectively cope with circumstances that are out of your control